The site is allocated for development in the Local Plan; the principle of development is established.
Access to the site will be from Hempstead Road. Discussions with Hertfordshire County Council (the local highways authority) ruled out any access to the A41 or the A411 Hempstead Road on safety grounds. Access is to be achieved through the extension of Hempstead Road into the Site whilst retaining the turning area and improving facilities for pedestrians and cyclists.
Pedestrian and cycle connections will also be formed to Russell Lane which will be improved to make this a more attractive non-vehicular connection.
From Russell Lane, the site has access to local facilities including recreational areas, local retail provision and schools. There is also good access from Hempstead Road to regular bus services connecting to Watford.
To inform the proposals a detailed assessment of existing highway conditions has been carried out. The assessment showed that existing traffic flows on Hempstead Road are very light, with around 150 daily movements occurring, and traffic speeds are low, with average speeds of 20mph. No accidents have been recorded. Hempstead Road has an unblemished safety record, it is street-lit, has adequate width to pass vehicles safely, and has a segregated footway on its western side.
The development will generate some 30 vehicle movements in peak hours, equivalent to one additional vehicle every two minutes. This low level of traffic impact will not have a material impact on the safety or operation of Hempstead Road, where traffic flows will remain very light.
On the wider network, surveys and assessments have been carried out. To improve the Courtlands Drive/A411 junction the applicant is proposing an improvement to deliver ‘Keep Clear’ markings across Hempstead Road to make it easier for residents to egress towards the A411.
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